OK well i got one of Carl Ocab's feed emails in my inbox today. Today his message was about a big new contest he is having. One great thing about Carl's contests is that they are so incredibly easy to enter.
I spent about 5 minutes and have gotten 29 tickets!
So what makes this contest so huge is the amazing prize list.
Check it out...
prizes$25 CASH!
Sponsored by Home Business Blog.
$35 CASH!
Sponsored by E-ContentSolutions.
$35 CASH!
Sponsored by PLRrewriting.com.
$50 CASH!
Sponsored by Scott Jones.
$35 CASH!
Sponsored by Tom Tessier.
10 advanced web hosting accounts for a year worth $36 each
Sponsored by O2Host.
Five copies of an introductory presentation to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Physical if in the US) worth $100 each
Sponsored by Life, Love & Learning.
Three copies of Terry Dean’s “Email Marketing Mastery Course” (Free Shipping) worth $97 each
Sponsored by My Email Mastery.
Five copies of “Unstoppable Peak Performance Guide” worth $97 each
Sponsored by Unstoppable Action.
One three month membership to Jack Humphrey’s “Social Power Linking” worth $90
Sponsored by Social Power Linking.
3000 Entrecard credits
Three fast passes to cut to the front of the Entrecard line
Three featured statuses to give you the coveted gold border around your listing
One homepage slot to give your Entrecard placement on Entrecard’s homepage
Sponsored by Entrecard.
1000 Entrecard credits
Sponored by Kiwi Pulse.
1000 Entrecard credits
Sponsored by Ejobtips.
One copy of “The Dip” by Seth Godin worth $16
Sponsored by Money Relations.
The grand prizesOne link bait post (500 words). This will be written, fine-tuned and then widely promoted. If done correctly, this could mean tens of thousands of visitors, new RSS subscribers, links, and more worth $150
Sponsored by Splashpress Media.
One blog design worth $1000
Sponsored by Another Blog.
As you can see this contest is going to be great.
You can check it out
Blogging Olympics 2008